Step 1: Create Material
Create a material master with material type "Pipeline Materials". Only maintain basic views:
- Basic Data
- Purchasing Data
- Accounting Data
Note: No storage or planning views required
A comprehensive guide to understanding and implementing pipeline materials in SAP
Pipeline Materials are materials that have a continuous supply to your organization, often (but not always) through a physical pipeline. Payment is based on actual consumption rather than stock quantities.
Materials that are continuously supplied without interruption
Payment is made based on how much material is consumed
No planning required as material is continuously available
Streamlined procurement process without standard PO
Pipeline materials don't need to be physically delivered through a pipeline. Any material with continuous supply where you pay based on consumption can be treated as a pipeline material in SAP.
In SAP, pipeline materials are handled differently from regular materials. Here are the key characteristics:
Uses "Pipeline Materials" material type in SAP
No inventory tracking or stock monitoring in SAP
No MRP or demand planning required
Uses purchase info record instead of purchase order
Using the pipeline materials process in SAP simplifies procurement for continuously supplied materials. It eliminates unnecessary steps like goods receipt and inventory management, focusing solely on consumption and payment.
Create a material master with material type "Pipeline Materials". Only maintain basic views:
Note: No storage or planning views required
Create a purchase info record (not a purchase order) with:
Transaction: ME11 (Create Info Record)
Directly record consumption (no goods receipt needed):
Note: This doesn't affect inventory as pipeline materials are non-stock
Settle consumption with the vendor:
Result: GR account settled and vendor liability created
To create a material master for pipeline materials:
Enter material number and select material type "Pipeline Materials"
Only select these views:
Enter description and material group
Enter purchasing group
Note: No MRP data required
Enter valuation class
Note: This is crucial for account determination
Material: SG05_PIPELINE
Material Type: Pipeline Materials
Views: Basic Data, Purchasing, Accounting
Material Group: ENGINE
Purchasing Group: N01
Valuation Class: YB00
Unlike standard materials, pipeline materials don't use purchase orders. Instead, we create a purchase info record:
Enter the vendor and purchasing organization
This is critical - must select the pipeline info category
Select the pipeline material created in Step 1
Enter standard quantity, planned delivery time
Enter the agreed price per unit (crucial for settlement)
Vendor: 4103
Purchasing Org: SGP1
Info Category: Pipeline
Material: SG05_PIPELINE
Standard Quantity: 1
Planned Delivery Time: 1 day
Price: 1 USD per unit
Make sure to maintain the text code in the info record. The settlement process (MRKO) requires this information; otherwise, it will show "No Text Information Found" error.
For pipeline materials, we directly record consumption without goods receipt:
Select "Goods Issue" and then "Other"
Movement Type 291: "Consumption of all account assignment for pipeline"
Specify the pipeline material and the plant
Enter the quantity consumed (based on meter readings or other measurements)
Enter account assignment information:
This creates accounting entries (but no inventory movement)
When you post the consumption, the system creates these accounting entries:
The GR/IR account will be settled in the next step.
Transaction: MIGO
Movement Type: 291
Material: SG05_PIPELINE
Plant: SG05
Quantity: 1 EA
GL Account: 400000 (Manufacturing Expense)
After recording consumption, we need to settle with the vendor:
Enter the company code and plant
You can select by material or vendor
The system displays all unsettled consumption documents
Choose the documents you want to settle
The system creates a settlement document
The settlement creates these accounting entries:
After this, the Finance department processes the payment to settle the vendor liability.
Transaction: MRKO
Company Code: SG05
Plant: SG05
Material: SG05_PIPELINE
Documents to Settle: 1 entry for 1 EA
Result: Settlement document created
Before you can use pipeline materials, you need to configure account determination properly in SAP. Without this, consumption posting will fail.
OBYC is the main transaction for configuring account determination:
You need to configure two main entries:
Transaction Key | Description | Purpose |
BSX | Inventory Posting | Identifies GR/IR account for pipeline materials |
GBB | Consumption Posting | Identifies consumption account (with modifier VBR) |
This controls the GR/IR accounting
Example: Chart of Accounts = SG05, Valuation Class = YB00
Assign GR/IR account (e.g., 101000)
This controls consumption posting
Example: Chart of Accounts = SG05, Account Modifier = VBR, Valuation Class = YB00
Assign expense account (e.g., 400000)
For pipeline materials, you need to configure these account keys:
Account Key | Components | Account Type |
BSX | Chart of Accounts + Valuation Class | GR/IR Clearing Account (e.g., 101000) |
GBB + VBR | Chart of Accounts + Account Modifier + Valuation Class | Expense Account (e.g., 400000) |
The account modifier VBR is used for cost center consumption. Other modifiers might include:
These are common issues encountered when using pipeline materials:
Cause: Missing entry in OBYC for transaction key BSX
Solution: Configure account determination in OBYC for BSX with your Chart of Accounts and Valuation Class
Cause: Missing entry in OBYC for transaction key GBB with account modifier VBR
Solution: Configure account determination in OBYC for GBB with your Chart of Accounts, Account Modifier VBR, and Valuation Class
Cause: Missing text code in purchase info record
Solution: Maintain the text code in the purchase info record for the pipeline material
Cause: Issue with purchase info record data
Solution: Ensure the purchase info record has the correct plant and purchasing organization
Pipeline materials bypass standard procurement processes (no PO, no goods receipt, no inventory)
Create Material → Create Info Record → Consumption Entry → Settlement
Configure OBYC for both BSX and GBB+VBR transaction keys
Always use movement type 291 for pipeline material consumption
Use transaction MRKO for settlement, just like consignment materials
Pipeline materials are ideal for:
Process Step | Standard Materials | Pipeline Materials |
Material Type | FERT/HALB/ROH/etc. | Pipeline Materials |
Planning | MRP, Planning runs | No planning required |
Procurement Document | Purchase Order | Purchase Info Record |
Goods Receipt | Required (MIGO) | Not applicable |
Inventory Management | Tracked in stock | No stock tracking |
Consumption | Goods Issue from stock | Direct consumption (MT 291) |
Settlement | Invoice verification | Pipeline settlement (MRKO) |
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