SAP Special Procurement Visualization

SAP Special Procurement Processes

Interactive visualization of Subcontracting, Consignment, and Pipeline procurement processes in SAP


Subcontracting Process

What is Subcontracting?

Subcontracting is a process where you provide your own raw materials to a vendor who converts them into finished or semi-finished goods and returns them to you. You pay only for the conversion service, not for the materials.

Key Concept

Even though materials are physically at the vendor location, they remain your property and stay in your books as "vendor stock." You maintain ownership throughout the entire process.

Your Company

Owns materials

Raw Materials


Processes materials

Finished Goods

Your Company

Pays for service

Business Example

A furniture manufacturer produces chairs but doesn't have the capability to paint them. They send unpainted chairs to a painting specialist who paints them and returns the finished products. The manufacturer pays only for the painting service.

Process Flow

Create Purchase Requisition/Order

Create a purchase order with item category L for the finished goods. The PO includes component materials that will be supplied to the vendor.

Transaction: ME21N


The value in the PO represents only the service cost, not the material value.

Issue Materials to Vendor

Transfer raw materials to the subcontractor using transaction ME2O.

Materials remain in your books but are shown as vendor stock. No financial document is created at this stage.

Vendor Production Process

The vendor uses your raw materials to create the finished goods according to specifications.

During this time, you can monitor the stock at vendor location using ME2O.

Goods Receipt for Finished Goods

Receive the finished goods from the vendor using transaction MIGO.

During GR, the system automatically:

  • Consumes the raw materials at vendor location
  • Adds the finished goods to your inventory
  • Creates financial entries for services rendered
Invoice Verification

Process the vendor invoice for the service provided using transaction MIRO.

The invoice is for the conversion service/processing cost only, not for the raw materials provided.

Master Data Requirements

Material Master

  • Finished Good with special procurement key 30 (subcontracting)
  • Raw Materials as normal materials
  • Material Type needs proper configuration

Bill of Material (BOM)

  • Define components needed to produce the finished good
  • Set component quantities
  • Created using transaction CS01
  • BOM is essential for automatic component determination

Purchase Info Record

  • Subcontracting category in info record
  • Define subcontracting service price
  • Link between material and vendor

Production Version

  • Links BOM to material for MRP planning
  • Created via transaction C223
  • Required for MRP to create PRs with item category L

Financial Postings

Financial Impact

During Goods Issue to Vendor, there are no financial postings because you still own the materials.

During Goods Receipt (MIGO), three financial transactions occur:

Transaction 1: Goods Issue of Components


Transaction 2: Goods Receipt of Finished Product


Transaction 3: Goods Receipt of Subcontracting Service


During Invoice Verification (MIRO):


Price Differences

If there is a difference between the PO price and invoice price, the difference is posted to the same expense account used in the goods receipt.

Special Considerations

Stock Reconciliation

Regular physical inventory at vendor location is essential to ensure proper material control and identify scrap.

The vendor stock belongs to you and should be regularly reconciled.

Over/Under Consumption

If the vendor uses more or less material than specified in the BOM, adjustments can be made during goods receipt.

For regular reconciliation, physical inventory processes should be used.

Alternative Material Supply

Raw materials can be supplied directly to the subcontractor from another vendor by specifying the subcontractor as the delivery location in the PO.

Consignment Process

What is Consignment?

Consignment is a process where a vendor places their materials at your location, but the materials remain the property of the vendor until you consume or transfer them. You pay only after consumption or transfer to your own stock.

Key Concept

Even though materials are physically at your location, they remain the vendor's property until consumed or transferred. No financial impact occurs when receiving consignment goods.


Owns materials


Your Company

Stores materials


Your Company

Pays after consumption

Business Example

An automotive manufacturer has suppliers place components directly at their assembly line. The manufacturer only pays for the components after they are used in production. This reduces lead time and inventory holding costs.

Process Flow

Create Purchase Requisition/Order

Create a purchase order with item category K for the consignment materials.

Transaction: ME21N

Goods Receipt

Receive consignment materials using transaction MIGO.

No financial document is created since you don't own the materials yet.

The materials appear in your inventory as consignment stock.

Consumption or Transfer

When you need the materials, either:

  • Consume directly from consignment stock to production/cost center
  • Transfer from consignment to your own unrestricted stock

This is when financial documents are created and you become liable to pay.


Run periodic settlement for consumed/transferred materials using transaction MRKO.

Creates financial documents and liabilities to pay the vendor.

Typically done weekly or monthly, but should not cross month-end.

Master Data Requirements

Material Master

  • Special procurement key 10 (consignment)
  • For MRP to create consignment PRs

Purchase Info Record

  • Consignment category in info record
  • Define material price
  • Essential for price determination during consumption/transfer

Account Assignment

  • Proper GL accounts for consignment consumption
  • GR/IR accounts for consignment

Financial Postings

Financial Impact

During Goods Receipt of consignment materials, there are no financial postings because you don't own the materials yet.

During Consumption or Transfer to Own Stock:

When Transferring to Unrestricted Stock:


When Consuming Directly to Production/Cost Center:


During Settlement (MRKO):


Price Management

Purchase info record prices are critical as they determine the value when materials are consumed or transferred. Price changes in the info record will affect future transactions.

Special Considerations

Returns to Vendor

Consignment stock can be returned to the vendor without financial impact since it's still their property.

Price Fluctuations

For materials with frequently changing prices, maintaining up-to-date purchase info records is essential.

Consider interfaces or mass upload tools to update prices regularly.

Settlement Timing

Regular settlement cycles should be established and followed consistently.

Settlement should generally not cross month-end for proper period-end accounting.

Pipeline Process

What is Pipeline Material?

Pipeline materials are supplied continuously through a fixed delivery mechanism (like a physical pipeline, power line, etc.) where physical control of the material is difficult. Payment is based on consumption measured by meters or readings.

Key Concept

Pipeline procurement is used for continuously supplied materials where there is no physical receiving process. No purchase orders are created; consumption is recorded directly.


Provides continuous supply

Continuous Flow

Your Company

Consumes directly

Meter Reading

Your Company

Settlement based on consumption

Business Examples

  • Utilities like electricity, water, gas
  • Oil delivered through pipelines
  • Raw materials delivered through dedicated pipes (e.g., palm oil from a nearby producer)
  • Any materials where physical receipt control is difficult or impractical

Process Flow

Consumption Recording

Record consumption based on meter readings or other consumption measures.

Using transaction MIGO with special movement types:

  • 261P: Consumption to cost center
  • 291P: Consumption to account assignment
  • 281P: Consumption to network/project
  • 201P: Consumption to order

Run periodic settlement for consumed materials using transaction MRKO.

Creates financial documents and liabilities to pay the vendor.

Often triggered by receipt of vendor invoices (e.g., utility bills).

Master Data Requirements

Material Master

  • Material type: Pipeline
  • Non-stock material
  • No inventory management

Purchase Info Record

  • Essential for price determination
  • Define material price
  • No PO but info record is essential

Movement Types

  • Special pipeline movement types must be configured
  • Typically in the range 261P-292P

Financial Postings

Financial Impact

During Consumption Recording:

When Consuming to Cost Center:


During Settlement (MRKO):


Special Considerations

Automation Possibilities

Modern implementations can include automated meter reading integration.

Systems can be connected through IoT or middleware to automatically record consumption.

System Integration Levels

  • L1: Basic sensors and meters
  • L2: Control systems collecting data
  • L3: Manufacturing execution systems
  • L4: ERP systems (SAP)
  • L5: Advanced planning systems

Reconciliation with Invoices

Often, consumption is recorded based on vendor invoices (utility bills).

Match consumption recording with actual invoiced amounts.

Comparison of Special Procurement Types

Key Differences
Feature Subcontracting Consignment Pipeline
Ownership during process Your company owns materials throughout Vendor owns until consumption/transfer Direct consumption, no stock
Material location At vendor premises At your premises Continuous flow, no physical storage
Item category L K No PO used
Special procurement key 30 10 N/A
Initial GR Financial Impact None None Direct expense posting
Key transaction ME2O MIGO with item category K MIGO with movement type P
Settlement needed No Yes Yes
Common business use Outsourcing production steps Reducing lead time and inventory costs Utilities and continuous material flow

Financial Flow Comparison


Material Issue: No financial posting

Goods Receipt: Three transactions in one document (RM consumption, FG receipt, service receipt)

Invoice: Standard invoice processing


Material Receipt: No financial posting

Consumption/Transfer: Financial posting occurs

Settlement: Required to create vendor liability


No Receipt: Materials are continuously supplied

Consumption Recording: Direct expense posting

Settlement: Required to create vendor liability

Master Data Comparison

Required Master Data
Master Data Subcontracting Consignment Pipeline
Material Master Special procurement key 30, BOM link Special procurement key 10 Material type: Pipeline
Purchase Info Record Subcontracting category Consignment category Standard info record
Bill of Material Required Not required Not required
Production Version Required for MRP Not required Not required
Movement Types Standard Standard Special P movement types

When to Use Each Process

Use Subcontracting When:

  • You want to outsource a production step but maintain control over materials
  • Quality of raw materials is critical to your end product
  • You want to leverage vendor's specialized capabilities without investing in equipment
  • You have excess capacity in raw material production but bottlenecks in processing

Use Consignment When:

  • You want to reduce lead time by having materials available on-site
  • You want to reduce working capital by not paying for materials until used
  • You need high material availability but want to minimize inventory costs
  • Supplier is willing to maintain stock at your location

Use Pipeline When:

  • Materials are continuously supplied through fixed channels
  • Physical control of material receipt is difficult or impractical
  • Consumption is measured through meters or readings
  • Typical for utilities (electricity, water, gas) or bulk liquids/gases

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