SAP Subcontracting Process Visualization

SAP Subcontracting Process Visualization

An interactive guide to understanding the complete subcontracting process flow, master data requirements, and different approaches in SAP.

Process Flow
Master Data
Sending Materials
Financial Impact

What is Subcontracting?

Your Company
(Owns materials)
Raw Materials
ME2O or Delivery
(Processes materials)
Finished Goods
Your Company
(Pays for service)
Subcontracting in a Nutshell In subcontracting, your company provides raw materials to a vendor who converts them into finished or semi-finished goods. The vendor returns the finished goods, and your company pays only for the service (not for the materials). Think of it like sending chairs to be painted - you own the chairs throughout the entire process, but pay the vendor only for the painting service.

Example: Chair Painting Process

A factory manufactures chairs but doesn't have the resources or expertise to paint them. Rather than investing in painting equipment and training, they use subcontracting:

Step 1

Create a purchase order for painting service (not for the chairs)

Step 2

Send unpainted chairs to the painting vendor

Step 3

Receive painted chairs from the vendor

Step 4

Post invoice for the painting service only

Key Characteristics
  • Your company owns the raw materials throughout the process
  • Raw materials are provided at no cost to the vendor
  • Vendor only charges for conversion services
  • Material remains in your company's inventory books while at vendor
  • The vendor stock appears as a special stock in SAP
  • Outsource production while maintaining quality control over materials
  • Better inventory visibility and control
  • Reduced capital investment in manufacturing equipment
  • Ability to leverage specialized vendor capabilities
  • Potential tax and cost advantages

Subcontracting Process Flow

Create Purchase Requisition/Order

Create a purchase order with item category L for the finished goods. The PO contains component materials that need to be supplied to the vendor.

This can be done:

  • Automatically through MRP run (requires special procurement key 30)
  • Manually creating a PO with Item Category L

Transaction: ME21N

Issue Materials to Vendor

Send raw materials to the subcontractor. This can be done through two approaches:

  • Direct Movement: Using transaction ME2O to directly transfer materials
  • Outbound Delivery: Create delivery document with picking, potentially with WM/EWM/TM integration

Materials remain in your books but are shown as being at vendor location.

Vendor Production Process

The vendor uses your raw materials to create the finished goods according to specifications.

During this time, the materials remain on your books as vendor stock. You can monitor this stock using transaction ME2O.

Important: Regular reconciliation and physical stock counts at vendor locations are essential to ensure material control and identify scrap.
Goods Receipt for Finished Goods

Receive the finished goods from the vendor into your inventory.

During GR, the system automatically:

  • Consumes the raw materials at vendor location
  • Adds the finished goods to your inventory
  • Creates accounting entries for services rendered

Transaction: MIGO

Invoice Verification

Process the vendor invoice for the service provided (not for materials).

The invoice is for the conversion service/processing cost only, not for the raw materials provided.

Transaction: MIRO

Master Data Requirements

Material Master
Finished Good Material
  • MRP Type: PD
  • Special Procurement Key: 30 (for subcontracting)
  • Accounting and general plant data
Raw Material
  • Standard material master data
  • For outbound delivery approach: Sales view data with transportation group and loading group
Bill of Material (BOM)
  • Define the components needed to produce the finished good
  • Set component quantities
  • BOM is essential for automatic component determination
  • Without BOM, components must be manually added to PO
Why use BOM? Using BOM provides automatic component selection, proper costing, and enables MRP to create subcontracting PRs automatically with components.
Production Version
Required for MRP
  • Links BOM to material for MRP planning
  • Required for MRP to create PRs with item category L
  • Created via transaction C223
  • Must include BOM reference and usage
Technical Requirement Production version is technically required for MRP in S/4HANA to select the correct BOM for subcontracting. It acts as a technical bridge between MRP and BOM.
Vendor (Business Partner)
  • Standard vendor master data
  • For outbound delivery approach: Create corresponding customer number
Purchase Info Record
  • Link between material and vendor
  • Define subcontracting service price
  • Enable source determination
Additional Configuration for Outbound Delivery
  • Customer number for plant (like STO config)
  • Customer for vendor
  • Shipping point determination
  • Delivery type assignment

Approaches for Sending Materials to Subcontractor

Direct Movement Approach
Outbound Delivery Approach
Direct Movement Approach

A simplified approach with fewer steps and less master data requirements.

Access Transaction ME2O

Monitor subcontracting components and stocks

Select Component Material

Choose the material to be sent to vendor

Post Goods Issue

Use movement type 543 to transfer stock to vendor

  • Simpler process with fewer steps
  • Less master data maintenance
  • Quicker execution
  • No integration with shipping processes required
  • Limited tracking capabilities
  • No integration with warehouse management
  • No transportation planning
  • No packaging information
Outbound Delivery Approach

More comprehensive approach with additional tracking, warehouse integration, and transportation planning options.

Access Transaction ME2O

Monitor subcontracting components and stocks

Select Component Material

Choose the material to be sent to vendor

Create Outbound Delivery

Generate delivery document instead of direct movement

Process Outbound Delivery

Pick materials with transaction VL02N

Post Goods Issue

Process PGI with transaction VL02N

Why Use Outbound Delivery Approach?
  • Harmonized warehouse processes (same as customer shipments)
  • Enhanced tracking with delivery documents
  • Transportation planning capabilities
  • Integration with WM/EWM/TM
  • Packaging information management
Additional Master Data Required
  • Customer number for plant
  • Customer number for vendor
  • Sales view for raw materials
  • Shipping point determination

Financial Impact of Subcontracting

Important Understanding During subcontracting, your company owns the materials throughout the entire process. When you send materials to the vendor, you're still the owner - you're just allocating some of your stock to the vendor. The financial postings reflect this ownership principle.
Step 1: Financial Postings During Goods Issue to Vendor
Movement Type 543
Transaction Example: ME2O → Post Goods Issue

When issuing raw materials to the vendor:

No Financial Document Created
  • No financial entries are posted because you still own the materials
  • Materials simply move from your unrestricted stock to subcontracting stock
  • System records the vendor to whom materials are allocated
  • This appears as a stock transfer in material documents (MM)

System Impact

Stock is transferred from:

Unrestricted Stock → Subcontracting Stock

Material is still visible in your inventory, but marked as "at vendor location"

Step 2: Financial Postings During Goods Receipt (MIGO)
3 Transactions in 1

When receiving finished goods, three financial transactions occur simultaneously within one financial document:

One Financial Document
Three Financial Transactions
Transaction 1: Goods Issue of Components


  • Consumption Account
  • Example: "Consumption of Semi-Finished Goods"


  • Component Stock Account
  • Example: "Semi-Finished Goods Stock"

Value: Based on standard cost of components (raw materials)

Transaction 2: Goods Receipt of Finished Product


  • Finished Goods Stock
  • Example: "Finished Goods Stock"


  • Subcontracting Stock Change Account
  • Example: "Subcontracting Cost of Production"

Value: Based on standard cost of finished goods

Transaction 3: Goods Receipt of Subcontracting Service


  • Expense Account
  • Example: "Purchased Services Expense"


  • GR/IR Clearing Account

Value: Based on service price in purchase order

Practical Example from SAP

Let's say we send 20 unpainted chairs to vendor for painting:

  • Standard cost of unpainted chair: 10 INR each (total: 200 INR)
  • Standard cost of painted chair: 25 INR each (total: 500 INR)
  • Service cost for painting: 10 INR per chair (total: 200 INR)

When we receive the 20 painted chairs, the system posts:

  1. Debit: Consumption Account (200 INR), Credit: Semi-Finished Goods Stock (200 INR)
  2. Debit: Finished Goods Stock (500 INR), Credit: Subcontracting Cost of Production (500 INR)
  3. Debit: Purchased Services Expense (200 INR), Credit: GR/IR Account (200 INR)
Step 3: Financial Postings During Invoice Verification (MIRO)
Price Differences Handled

When processing the vendor invoice for the subcontracting service:

Standard Case - Invoice Matches PO Price


  • GR/IR Clearing Account


  • Vendor Account (Liability)
Price Difference Case - Invoice Amount ≠ PO Amount


  • GR/IR Clearing Account (PO amount)
  • Expense Account (difference amount)


  • Vendor Account (total invoice amount)

Note: The same expense account used in the goods receipt is used to record price differences.

Practical Example from SAP

Continuing our painting example:

  • PO service amount: 200 INR (20 chairs × 10 INR)
  • Invoice amount received: 250 INR (higher than expected)

The system posts:

  1. Debit: GR/IR Account (200 INR)
  2. Debit: Purchased Services Expense (50 INR) - for the price difference
  3. Credit: Vendor Account (250 INR) - total invoice amount

The invoice may be blocked for payment due to the price difference, requiring approval.

Material Flow in Subcontracting

Unrestricted Stock

Raw Materials

No financial posting at goods issue

Subcontracting Stock

Materials at Vendor

Still on your books

Goods Receipt

Three simultaneous transactions

One financial document

Invoice Verification

Service payment

Handles price differences

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